Put your ideals to work

We believe the world’s most ambitious people should work on the world’s most important problems. Join our movement today.

Awareness is overrated
Global problems are more visible than ever and easier than ever to ignore.

How to start

Redefine Work

Revolutionize your career
Let’s measure success by the difference we make, not by our job title or the size of our office.

Our fellowships

We are a global collective
Unleash your moral ambition and join our movement to make the world a wildly better place.

Donate now

In Moral Ambition, internationally bestselling author Rutger Bregman reveals how our conventional definitions of success are harming us and the planet.

Discover how we can shift the focus from personal gain to societal benefit. In the process, we will join a growing movement of pioneers who are already living out this ethos. Buy the book: all royalties go to the foundation.

Pre-order now
‘Wake-up call’
— Adam grant

‘A call to action for humanity to reevaluate our paradigms of success and impact in the world’

— Trevor noah

In his show What Now?, Emmy Award winner Trevor Noah talks with Rutger Bregman, our co-founder, about how to put your ideals to work.

Devote your career to the world’s greatest challenges

Moral ambition is the will to make the world a wildly
better place. To devote your career to the greatest
challenges of our time. To be one of the best, but measured by a new standard of success.

We believe the most ambitious people should work on the most important global problems. We need our brightest minds to end factory farming,  safeguard our democracies, make pandemics history — and these are just a few examples.

Anna Gimbrère spreekt pioniers over de vraag: hoe zet jij je carrière in voor een betere wereld?
Moral Ambition podcast cover image

de podcast over hoe je werk het verschil maakt.

Support the Cause

Our foundation’s mission is clear: We aim to help driven individuals to take the step towards a job with a positive impact. Donations are crucial to everything we do.

Meet Our Fellows

We bring together talented, ambitious people to tackle the most urgent problems of our time. Because we believe in the power of small groups to make a big difference.

Start Your Circle

A Moral Ambition Circle is a group of six to eight people who help each other to explore how they can make the greatest impact through their work.

Recent Accomplishments